Jesus Christ, the bridge between God and man.

Jesus Christ, the bridge between God and man.
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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Time is Short

Time is short.  Sixty two, 61, 58, 42, 30, and 4 is not a countdown but the ages of men and a young vibrant boy who have all gone home to be with the Lord.  I knew them, I loved them.  It will be a year this Sunday for Jessie, who stood by my husband’s side, serving as his trusted aide and working diligently to encourage and uplift the members at Skybridge Community Church.    I recently attended the funeral of my dear brother-in-law, Virgil at Resurrection Baptist Church.  Virgil was so enthusiastic about attending New Member’s Orientation at RBC; I believe he got there before the teacher.  The evangelism army at True Vision Church lost a sold out for Christ soldier in Steve.  The mission field will sorely miss this laborer.  Melodious voices will continue at True Vision Church but the voice of Mike can now be heard in heaven.  St. PJ’s Children’s Home must continue its mission without the big brother, father figure and all around gentle giant, Chris.  The Rock will miss his presence and his charges at St. PJ’s must search for another mentor who will seriously have some huge shoes to fill.  And then there is Roc, four years old, bringing joy to his family and friends at Cornerstone Church.  He made it his life’s work to put a smile on his brother’s face, sing of love to encourage the world and leave a legacy of doing what you can while you can to fulfill God’s plan for his short life. 
Virgil, Jessie, Steve, Mike, Chris and Roc refused to allow the distractions of life dissuade them from the task set before them by their Creator.  John 9:4-5 says, As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me.  Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world."  Work now, while the lights are still on.  In the video below, Roc sings of love while it was for him, still day.  The picture depicts Roc trying to cajole a smile from Rex, his baby brother.  Not too many minutes later, in the blink of an eye, after this picture was taken, God whisked Roc away be with Him in glory.  Let Roc's life be an example to us.  Rise above the distractions and excuses.  Use our time wisely for only God knows just how short our time will be.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fill My Cup

Our trip down the road of life begins when we fill up our tank.  Cars do not run well or long on an empty tank.   Likewise, to keep traveling on the narrow road, our tanks must be filled with the Spirit enabling us to obey God, love and glorify Him.  We will make little progress if our spiritual tanks are mixed with the Spirit and the love of the world.  If distracted by the cares of the world, our love for God and His desire for our life will be hindered.  The Psalmist asks God in Psalm 119:37 to Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, And revive me in Your way.   In the 21st century, we are overwhelmed and overcommitted to work, people and things.  The Psalmist understood that it is God’s grace the blinds the roving eye and constrains us from all that obstructs us from following His way.   Stay focused on God’s word, God’s people and God’s commands.  Make Him your priority and time with Him, premium.   Now, that’s the kind of gas that will keep you moving on the narrow road going in the right direction.

·        During your devotion time, listen to the song below, Fill My Cup Lord as God dispenses His high-octane energy to you through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Maybe, It's You?


Sometimes, we are the distraction.  New Year’s Eve, I worked in the office seeing sick patients.  The clinic was packed. I was swiftly moving from room to room.  I noticed the hallway floor looked dirty.  As the morning progressed, the floor appeared dingy.  I thought to myself, the cleaning crew needs to be reprimanded.  I then thought, parents must be allowing their children to run amok.  I wondered who would be able to clean this mess over the holidays.  I mentioned the disgusting floor to the nurse assisting me for the day.  She said, “Dr. Howelton it’s you.  Your new boots are scuffing the floor. The marks leave a trail into each exam room.”  In my limited mind, I had ascribed the problem to everyone else, never once considering myself.

Galatians 6:3-5 tells us, If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves. Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load. Before considering your neighbor, make a personal assessment, examine yourself, and evaluate your own work.  We can become our own distraction, totally unaware of the sin in our life and utterly deceived.   I took a picture of my mess as a reminder that on December 31, 2013, I missed the mark and was unable or unwilling to comprehend that Dr. Howelton was the problem.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Distracted to Death


Roads these days are cluttered with signs.  Garage sale signs, road signs, for sale signs, banners and build boards litter the landscape.  Driving up US 281 North or any congested freeway in America can overload your senses with signs, attempting to hinder us from arriving at our desired destination.  Watch the video below to see just how easy we get distracted on a daily basis. So many choices, detours and temptations can easily take us off course.  The road of life can present similar distractions.  For the saved, the road we travel is narrow and difficult.  If we are not careful, we can become distracted by the signs leading us off the road that takes us to our final destination.  We can become distracted to the point of death.  Not eternal death, but death of purpose, death of relationships, death of a ministry or death of an abundant life. 

I invite you on a journey using the vehicle of this blog to explore the many distractions that secretly and silently destroy our witness, our worship and our walk. Expect challenges, persecution and a small crowd.  Jesus told us as much in Matthew 7:14,” Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”  Ride in the back or ride shotgun, but get in the car as we embark upon this adventure, focused and determined to stay on the narrow road.