Cold or Hot
Which is it, cold or hot? What’s best for sore muscles, ice or
heat? The name of this cream lends to
the confusion. . I even forget if it is HOTICY or ICYHOT. Both ice and heat are used in the acute care
and rehabilitation of a muscular injury and are integral to the healing process. We use cold water to control the pain of
inflammation and hot water to reduce muscle spasm. If water is not hot or cold, it is thrown out.
Revelation 3:15-16
15 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I
could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are
lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I
will vomit you out of My mouth.
In other words, be zealous for God or go to
hell. It’s just that simple. If God is real to you then live like it. If not, reserve your place in hell and do
your own thing. Be hot for God or turn a
cold shoulder. Indifference is not an
option. Do not try to offer Him lukewarm
service or worship. Why halt ye between two opinions?
If God be God follow Him, if Baal, follow him I Kings 18:2. There
should be no confusion. Are you cold or
hot? You choose.
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