Jesus Christ, the bridge between God and man.

Jesus Christ, the bridge between God and man.
Begin Building

Friday, September 26, 2014

It's Free!!

Why pay for something that is free?  We buy Evian, Dasani, Aquafina, Smartwater, you name it.  In my office, we have an Ozarka bottle water dispenser setting right next to the water facet.  Does it make sense to pay a SAWS and Ozarka bill every month? We will walk pass a water fountain to buy bottled water at a concession stand.  We will even order Pellegrino from the menu as our fellow dinner patrons drink free tap water.  Of course, our special water is poured into a sparkling goblet. Let's face it. Water is free!

Ephesians 2:8-9

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.
Salvation is also free.  What we do for God will not erase our sins.  The tithes and offerings we give cannot redeem us from hell. You cannot pay your way or work your way into heaven.  Salvation is offered through God's gift of grace, and by definition, a gift is free. There is no way to pay for what has already been purchased.  Jesus paid it all.  Why keep trying to pay for something that's already free?


Monday, September 22, 2014

Follow Him

You will arrive late to the show when you follow the wrong person. I was headed to the Tamala Mann Concert with friends.  We were driving two cars.  I was riding shotgun and was tasked with keeping an eye on the lead car.  Somewhere between I-37 and I-35 we both switched from following a black BMW to following a royal blue BMW.  This was in broad day light. When the blue car passed Convent Street headed toward Houston Street, I knew we were in trouble. To top it off the lead car was now behind us. We arrived after the concert was scheduled to start because we lost track of the lead car.  We were trailing the wrong person.

1 Corinthians 11:1

11 Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

So many of us are not where we should be in life because we followed the wrong person.  We have been stuck on the wrong freeway, took the wrong exit, ended up at the wrong house and it took us twice as long to get the place God wanted us because we switched from following those who follow Christ to chasing after the crowd.  I took my eyes off the road and lost track of the black BMW.  When we take our eyes off Christ, we will show up late to our divine assignments.  It was grace that allowed us to see the opening performers because the concert started late.  If you are on the wrong road and lost, God gives us the grace we need, He directs us back to Him.  And, by the way, He will get you there on time.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Rules

I saw this sign while on vacation this summer.  No alcohol, no glass containers, no smoking, no littering, etc.  How negative can you get?  We were at the beach to have fun.  At first glance, the sign was confining and not very welcoming.  I later realized the sign was there to make sure our time in San Diego was safe and considerate of others.  Because of the rules, we were free to enjoy ourselves knowing the authorities had our best interest at heart.  I was thankful for the sign.

Galatians 3:23-25

23 But before faith came, we were kept under guard by the law, kept for the faith which would afterward be revealed. 24 Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.
The law given to Moses looked ten times worse than the beach sign.  Do not steal, do not kill, do not covet your neighbor’s wife, etc.  The Jews had 613 laws!  They must have wondered, does God not want us to have fun?  Just as the sign in San Diego served as a guard to keep everyone safe, the law was given to guard man until Christ would come.  We are now justified by faith in Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurrection and not by following the rules (law).  Now we should follow the rules because we are thankful for what Christ has done on our behalf.  The rules keep us safe, not saved.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

I'm Excited

The Cavalcade of Stars is just around the corner. Last year, Jeffery Osborne, Peebo Bryson and Howard Hewett gave an over the top performance. 
The audience was engaged, rocking and rolling together in song.  On October 25th, Eddie Levert, Dennis Edwards and Gerald Alston will bring their timeless voices to the Lila Cockrell Theatre.  I’m so excited.  I expect another riveting night.

I can hear you now. Where is Linda going with this?  Is she selling tickets?  Nope.  I do not have any affiliation with the Carver Development Board except as a patron.  My excitement about a great show pales in comparison to the joy I have each Sunday, gathering with other like-minded believers to worship, to lift up praise; hear the word of God and to fellowship.  I can attend a praise party at the beginning of every week and not just once a year.

Psalm 122:1

122 I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.

Are you glad about the opportunity to attend church this Sunday?  Are you eagerly anticipating what God is going to do in your life, in your family and in your church?  Worship service is free and open to the public.  Reserve your seat now.  Take it from me, it’s going to be exciting!!!