Jesus Christ, the bridge between God and man.

Jesus Christ, the bridge between God and man.
Begin Building

Friday, February 28, 2014


Madea is one salty woman.  Searching for an appropriate YouTube clip of Madea for this blog proved fruitless.  She says what she wants, when she wants and how she wants.  Her language is not always grammatically or politically correct.  We are entertained by her.   Some even aspire to be like her but her spunkiness is not the kind of salt Jesus was talking about in Mathew 5:13

“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.”

Beginning with the Beatitudes, Jesus described the character of a blessed disciple.  We can only achieve this kind of character through surrendering our lives to the power of the Holy Spirit.  Our lives must reflect a character shift.  What comes out of our mouth is not exempt.  Our tongues need taming.  Some things don’t need to be said, at least not by us.  Yes, the world needs seasoning but it has to be the right kind.  Salt is a preservative, provides punch and purifies.  This is the kind of flavor we add to the world around us.  We bring healing, righteousness and staying power.  Aspire to BE salt and not just salty.


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